He was a self proclaimed "Young Socialist" in his younger years. "I believed all the garbage that they told us in school, that socialism is great, that the welfare state was great. It was only really in my late teens that I had an economics teacher who taught me about the free market that I started turning around," he explains. Now he is leading the charge against communism, Marxism, and socialism from his native New Zealand. He is Trevor Loudon, a controversial author, blogger, and political speaker.
I interviewed him at the 2014 Western Conservative Conference.
At the moment, he is on the road six months a year. He is interviewed on the radio usually one to two times a day and is speaking at events at lunchtime and in the evening nearly every day. "Anybody who tells you that touring is easy doesn't really know what they are talking about," Mr. Loudon declares.
He is often compared to Senator Joseph McCarthy by his critics. It is a label that he proudly wears. "The Left (political left) always demonizes their enemies. They demonized Reagan; they portrayed him as a bumbling, old fool. They demonized McCarthy because they understood what a threat he was...and if anyone compares me to him, I take that as a great compliment," Mr. Loudon asserts. When he was in Wisconsin last year, he traveled to Appleton and was photographed at Senator McCarthy's grave.
Before coming to prominence as a blogger, author, and speaker, he ran bakeries for 15 years. He stated that he has always been interested in politics. At one point, he was the Vice-President of ACT (the Association of Consumers and Taxpayers). According to Mr. Loudon, the ACT is the most classical liberal/libertarian-conservative, most free enterprise, most small government political party in New Zealand, if not in the entire southern hemisphere.
His career, as he describes it, is as a citizen journalist, and his mission is to educate Americans of the dangers that we are facing. He also acts as a motivational speaker for various Tea Party groups throughout the United States. "I am a professional revolutionary so to speak," he says.
Mr. Loudon owns his own website, the "New Zeal". "I started it in 2005 in November just as a blog on New Zealand issues. Since I had a background in researching the communist movement since the 1980s, I focused a lot on exposing the communist infiltration of our labor party, our green party, and the social movements, the peace movement, the radical Islamic movement in my country, etcetera," Mr. Loudon explains. "It was really only in 2007 when I was researching the Democratic party in the U.S. that I stumbled on the link between Frank Marshall Davis, the Hawaiian communist, and a young Barack Obama. So I researched Obama for a year. I knew he was heading for big things.
In 2008 I started to publish my findings in a series of 'Obama Files' on my blogs. They got picked up by people like Glenn Beck and others and I got quite well known. I got quite a following in the States. Then I exposed Van Jones, the communist green jobs czar, in the White House," he adds. "Glenn Beck used that information to basically get him kicked out of the White House. So that made my name further. Then in 2011, I released my first book, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within. It went from being a little blog on New Zealand issues to bridging into the Obama issue, then American communism, the Socialist take over of America. That lead to speaking tours and everything really."
I had a wonderful time talking to Mr. Loudon at the Western Conservative Conference.
His life story is comparable to that of George Orwell. Starting out as a communist, then later in life writing about the dangers of communism and fighting communism in his country.